Important Google consent mode v2 update

Important Google consent mode v2 update

Digital Marketing

Google is making significant changes to privacy regulations across the web, specifically impacting websites in the European Economic Area (EEA). These changes, starting March 6th, 2024, will affect how your website tracks user behaviour and measures campaign success.

What’s changing?

What does this mean for you?

How to stay compliant and track data:

  • Update your user consent mechanism: Make sure your website clearly explains how user data is collected and used, and obtain user consent according to Google’s EU user consent policy.
  • Integrate consent mode: This feature allows you to collect and share user consent with Google products for both web and app campaigns. This will enable more accurate tracking even with limited cookie usage.

Need more information?

These resources provide detailed guidance on how to adapt to the new regulations:

By taking action now, you can ensure your website remains compliant and continues to track data effectively in the changing digital landscape.


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